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Excel 101: 5 Essential Functions for Beginners to Master in 2024

Excel 101: 5 Essential Functions for Beginners to Master in 2024

Do you feel that being proficient in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets is almost a basic life skill in today's data-driven world? The long-standing presence and widespread use of Excel across various industries certainly suggest it's here to stay.

Why remain intimidated by this powerful tool? Our approach is straightforward in this complete guide: we start with the most basic functions and gradually increase in complexity, following a structured lesson plan, just like your teacher in college. Let's explore and simplify Excel together!

Happy and empowered woman on the computer enjoying Microsoft Excel

1. SUM 

Have you ever needed a quick way to add up figures, like sales or expenses? Excel's SUM function seems basic, yet it can save you hours of work. It's simple and efficient, perfect for summing up numbers in a range of cells.

How to use SUM:

  1. The basic structure of the SUM function is =SUM(number1, [number2], ...).

Example: Imagine you have monthly sales figures in cells A1 to A6. To find the total sales, you'd use =SUM(A1:A6). This formula adds the values in cells A1 through A6.

Common error with SUM:

At times, you may accidentally leave out a cell or a range of cells in your SUM formula. So, it can lead to incorrect totals.
    Check it. Make sure your formula includes the entire range you want to sum up. For instance, =SUM(A1:A5) sums cells from A1 to A5. If you accidentally wrote =SUM(A1:A4), you'd miss out on A5.

      2. AVERAGE

      Once you're familiar with SUM, the AVERAGE function is your next step. It's pivotal for calculating the mean, which gives you a snapshot of the typical or central value in your data set. As a small business owner, this is invaluable for assessing things like average sales, expenses, or customer ratings.

      How to use AVERAGE:

      1. The basic structure of the AVERAGE function is AVERAGE(number1, [number2], ...).

      Example: Let's say you have weekly sales figures in cells A1 to A6. To find the average weekly sales, you'd use =AVERAGE(A1:A6)

      Common error with AVERAGE:

      AVERAGE gets confused if there are text or blank cells in your range.
        Ensure your range only includes numeric values. 

          3. MAX and MIN

          Why are MAX and MIN useful for you? They will pinpointing the highest and lowest values in your data set. You can use them to identifying extremes, like the peak and trough of sales, maximum costs, or minimum scores in a more visual way.

          How to use MAX and MIN:

          1. MAX: The structure is MAX(number1, [number2], ...).
          2. MIN: The structure is MIN(number1, [number2], ...).

          Examples: Max: To find the highest sales figure in cells A1 to A6, use =MAX(A1:A6)

          Min: To find the lowest temperature recorded in cells A1 to A6, use =MIN(A1:A6).

          Common error with MAX and MIN:

          Sometimes, the range might not include all the cells you intended to analyze.
            Confirm that your range captures all the data points. For =MAX(B1:B10) or =MIN(B1:B10), make sure B1 to B10 is exactly where your data is.

            4. COUNT & COUNTA

            Moving forward, let's explore the COUNT and COUNTA functions. COUNT is used to count the number of cells in a range that contain numbers, and COUNTA counts the number of non-empty cells. These functions are essential for understanding the volume of data, like how many entries you have in a list or how many cells contain numerical values.

            How to use COUNT and COUNTA:

            1. COUNT: COUNT(value1, [value2], ...)
              • value1, value2, ...: These are the cells or range you want to count. Only cells with numbers are counted.
            2. COUNTA: COUNTA(value1, [value2], ...)
              • This function counts all non-empty cells, including those with text, numbers, or dates.

            Examples: If you have a list of sales figures in cells A1 to A6 and want to know how many of these cells actually have sales data (numbers), use =COUNT(A1:A6).

            To count how many cells in a range F1 to F20 are not empty (including text, dates, etc.), use =COUNTA(F1:F20).

            Common error with COUNT and COUNTA:

            Using COUNT when you should use COUNTA, or vice versa, leads to incorrect counts.
              Use COUNT for counting cells with numbers and COUNTA for counting all non-empty cells, regardless of content.

              5. IF

              The next step is learning the IF function. Versatile and can be used in various scenarios, like determining if sales targets are met, categorizing expenses, or automating decision-making processes in your data.

              How to use IF:

              1. The basic structure of the IF function is IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false).
              2. logical_test: This is a condition that can be either TRUE or FALSE.
              3. value_if_true: The value that is returned if the condition is TRUE.
              4. value_if_false: The value that is returned if the condition is FALSE.

              Example: Imagine you're tracking monthly sales in cell A1 and have a target of $500. To find out whether the target is met, you'd use =IF(A1 >= 500, "Target Met", "Target Not Met"). This formula checks if the sales in A1 are greater than or equal to $500. If yes, it returns "Target Met"; otherwise, it returns "Target Not Met".

              Common error with IF:

              Sometimes the logical test might not be set up correctly, leading to unexpected results.

              Ensure your logical test is clear. For =IF(A1>100, "Yes", "No"), double-check that A1’s condition (greater than 100 in this case) is what you intend.

              10 Excel Formulas to Master After Learning the Basics

              1. VLOOKUP (or XLOOKUP)

              2. CONCATENATE (or TEXTJOIN)

              3. IFERROR

              4. INDEX and MATCH

              5. PivotTables

              6. SUMPRODUCT

              7. DATA VALIDATION

              8. SUBTOTAL


              10. POWER QUERY


                We hope this blog post has helped you become more comfortable with Microsoft Excel, your digital companion that's been on your computer since 2010. Remember, it's never too late to start learning and excelling.

                Because we always want to see you excel in every situation, if you need Excel's help to manage your life but are concerned about the learning curve, don't worry. Check out 'EmpowerPack' for personal development on our website. It's designed to make your life easier – offering simplicity and vibrancy without the need for complex formulas. Keep excelling!

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