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The Science of Habit Formation: A Guide for Millennial Women

Change your habits  Change your life

Ever caught yourself wondering why that one good habit never sticks, while others, perhaps not-so-good ones, seem to sneak in so easy?

As strong, empowered women, habits are those silent tools sculpting our lives. Dive in, and you'll discover how to wield these tools effectively. Beyond just Excel sheets for tracking, we offer resources tailored to your growth journey. Ready to design your best life? Let’s dive in!

Unraveling the Magic Behind Habits

Before we delve into the magic of habit formation, let's unpack the critical players and processes in our brain. Here's a quick rundown:

  • Brain Efficiency: Our brain loves to save energy. How? By turning repeated actions into habits. Think of habits as the brain's energy-saving mode.

  • Meet the Basal Ganglia: This part of our brain handles habitual behaviors. Instead of using our brainpower every time, the basal ganglia step in, making certain tasks almost automatic.

  • Habitual Acts: Ever wondered why you automatically grab a snack or endlessly scroll on your phone? Thank the basal ganglia. It's hard at work!

  • The Reward System: Enter dopamine! It's a chemical our brain releases that makes us feel good. When we do something and get that dopamine rush, we're more likely to repeat it. This cycle – action, reward, repeat – is called the ‘habit loop’.

The Habit Loop: Cue, Routine, Reward

Charles Duhigg, in ‘The Power of Habit,’ illustrates this as a three-step process:

1. Cue

It could be something external, like that gym on your commute or your phone's buzz. It might be internal, such as an emotion like boredom or stress. Essentially, it's a trigger that tells your brain, "Alright, let's do that thing we do."

Deep Dive: Did you know that even our surroundings can act as cues? That's why people often have specific spots to read, work, or relax. The environment can set the stage for a habit!

2. Routine

After recognizing the cue, we slide into action mode. It's the core of the habit. Maybe you see a notification (cue) and then you scroll through your phone (routine). The routine can be physical, mental, or emotional. What's fascinating is how automatic this can become over time.

Insight: Ever found yourself driving home and not recalling the journey? That's the power of the routine phase. It's the brain on autopilot, conserving energy for other tasks.

3. Reward

Ah, the finale! This is the feel-good moment, the reason your brain keeps coming back to the habit. Maybe it's the burst of dopamine from seeing likes on social media, the refreshing feel after a workout, or the calm after a meditation session. The reward tells our brain, "Yes, that was good. Let's do it again."

Did You Know? Dopamine isn't just about pleasure. It's about anticipating pleasure. It motivates us to act toward rewards, increasing the chance we'll engage in the routine again.

    Crafting New Habits: A Practical Guide

    Knowledge of the habit loop is your stepping stone to mastering your habits. Here’s a simplified guide to creating new habits:

    1. Initiation Phase:

    • Goal: Establish a clear foundation for your habit.
    • Action: Identify a consistent cue, something you encounter daily (like setting down your morning coffee or turning off your evening news).
    • Outcome: This becomes your habit's trigger. Over time, just experiencing the cue will naturally prompt you to start the intended habit.

    2. Learning Phase:

    • Goal: Make the habit a regular part of your life.
    • Action: Every time you encounter the cue, consciously perform your chosen action (e.g., after setting down your coffee, take five minutes to meditate). Stay consistent, even if it feels forced initially.
    • Outcome: Gradually, the need for conscious effort diminishes. The action starts to feel instinctive and becomes a routine part of your day.

    3. Stability Phase:

    • Goal: Ensure the habit is sustainable and beneficial long-term.
    • Action: Regularly review your habit. Adjust the parameters if needed, like changing the meditation style or duration to fit evolving needs.
    • Outcome: The habit remains adaptable, ensuring it continuously aligns with your personal growth and lifestyle.

    Common Mistakes When Building a Habit

    Embarking on the journey of habit formation is exhilarating, but it's not without its pitfalls. Here's a rundown of typical errors and how to sidestep them:

    Setting Vague Goals:

    • Instead of defining clear, measurable goals, we often lean towards general intentions, like "I want to exercise more."
    • The Solution: Be specific. Instead of "exercise more," aim for "I'll walk for 30 minutes every morning."

    Overloading Too Soon:

    • Enthusiasm can lead us to bite off more than we can chew, trying to establish multiple habits simultaneously.
    • The Solution: Focus on one habit at a time. Master it, then move on to the next.

    Skipping the Cue:

    • Without a reliable cue, habits lack a consistent starting point, leading to irregular practice.
    • The Solution: Pinpoint a consistent cue, like a particular time of day or a routine action, to trigger your new habit.

    Utilizing Habit Trackers

    Habit trackers, in essence, are your personal accountability partners. Whether you prefer a sleek digital app or a tangible pen-and-paper chart, they play a crucial role in the world of habit formation. Here's why:

    • Visual Motivation:

      • Purpose: Every blank space or unchecked box serves as a nudge, reminding you of the commitment you've made.

      • Benefit: Over time, seeing a streak of accomplished days becomes a motivation in itself. Nobody likes breaking a winning streak!

    • Tangible Rewards:

      • Purpose: Marking off a day or filling in a box provides a small, immediate reward.

      • Benefit: This tiny act reinforces the pleasure principle, playing into the 'Reward' section of the habit loop. You not only get the internal satisfaction from the habit itself but also the external satisfaction of recording it.

    • Progress Insights:

      • Purpose: Habit trackers lay out your consistency (or lack thereof) in a clear, visual manner.

      • Benefit: You can spot patterns, identify challenging days or times, and adjust your approach accordingly. This feedback can be instrumental in fine-tuning your strategies for long-term success.

    When using one, focus on a single habit until it's ingrained in your routine.


    It’s not about perfection—it's about progress. Every new habit you form is a step towards a better you. So why wait? Dive in and start reshaping your life today!

    You are capable and powerful!

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